Ilmu Pengetahuan


Intellectual intelligence (IQ) is a measure of intellectual ability, analysis, logic, and the ratio of a person. IQ is the intelligence to receive, store, and process information into facts. Indeed, a high IQ is not able to guarantee the success of a person in business and other things, but of course by having a high IQ will be able to help someone in managing and solving a problem with a better and neat.

Here's how to increase IQ, as follows:

1. Breakfast.

The first thing you need to do is eat breakfast, because the people who do the breakfast has been proven through research, that is very useful to improve one's concentration, and also can overcome the problems better, have a good mood, and memory enhancement.

Breakfast can be said to be a "golden opportunity" to better meet the adequacy of glucose will be back before you sleep night after about 8 hours. Glucose is useful as an energy source for the body. Based on research conducted by experts, that the person who did the breakfast will get enormous benefits, which can increase blood glucose.

By doing this, the breakfast is very useful to improve mood, improve memory and concentration levels and mood will be better.

2. Steer clear of foods that contain high sugar content

Foods like pasta, white bread, potato chips and the like if consumed too much then lead to negative things like the emergence of a sense of easy fatigue and excessive laziness or body often feel lethargic. It was because of the effects of foods that contain high sugar levels that make it difficult for the brain becomes "invited" to think well and clearly.

3. Jogging.

By diligently doing jogging eat will be very useful to improve mood, strengthen memory, sharpen the brain to think, and certainly healthy heart. With these benefits it can also spur intelligence IQ.

4. Learn Speed ​​Reading.

If indeed you difficulty in doing so at this point the 7th, then know that the speed reading it very useful so that we can understand quickly, so this will make the brain be completely trained, which makes the ability of IQ to be increased. For it is highly recommended that we can practice reading quickly.

5. Resting Regularly.

It actually has a considerable advantage, because to get used to rest for a moment, like a half hour, you just need to rest the brain and the body about 3 minutes, then it is very good to refresh the brain or the mind becomes fresh again, and it -it that you remember or have previously learned will be more robust to remember.